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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pin 16: Hard-baked Eggs

Time: 30 minutes
Cost: 1 or 2 dozen eggs
Result: Excellent! (or Eggcelent as the case may be *snicker*)

Originally Pinned from:

I've been using this Pinterest gem for a couple months now. It's eggspecially (ok,ok I'll stop!) useful since WH is on a low-carb diet and eats a TON of deviled eggs. Baked eggs peel SO easily with no extra tricks. Simply bake at 350 for 30 minutes, cool, and peel.

The original pin displays a muffin tin, but since I like to cook 2 dozen at once, the mini muffin pan is perfect.

Strangely most eggs will come out with these funny brown dots all over them. At first I thought my oven was so nasty it was splattering something all over the eggs. Now I suspect it's exploded egg residue from the plant or something, as every once in a while an entire dozen will cook up without a single spot. I've even cooked 2 dozen side-by-side and the ones from one carton had brown spots and the others were completely white. Once peeled the spots are gone and don't affect the finished product.

See the egg on the top row that had it's shell explode? I've done this trick countless times and have never seen that happen! Too strange!

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