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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pin 4: Tissue-box Upcycled into Grocery Bag Holder

Time: 20 minutes
Cost: $0
Result: Poor Fair

Saw this pin and got excited for 2 reasons. 1.) A free way to corral all the plastic bags floating around under my kitchen sink. 2.) A quick-and-easy project! all you have to do is pushpin an empty tissue box to the inside of a cabinet door.

I seriously thought I'd be done with this in seconds. I was so sure, that I even counted the seconds so I could properly relay it here. HahahaHAHA..HA!

It took me about 5 minutes of looking all over the house to find my push-pins. Then the stupid pin wouldn't go into the door so I had to go get the hammer. Then I'm sitting there on the floor with the cabinet door held between my knees so it wouldn't bounce around while hammering and all contorted around so I could hammer and hold the pin, and I smashed my finger. Grrr. So I go find a comb to use to hold the pin up..nope! Not having it. So I risked my fingers again and woke the whole house up trying to hammer the dag-on pushpin into the cabinet door. Finally got it in and realized how dumb the whole project actually looked. Argh!

Edit: In the light of day, and having used the contraption, it is actually pretty convenient. No bending over or digging around to put bags away or to find one. It does look pretty dumb, but that's why it's on the INSIDE of a cabinet door, and it was free after all. Still cranky that it took me 20 minutes to complete something so simple, but at least it's done, and the area under my sink looks less cluttered.

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