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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pin 20: Triple Chocolate Oreo Truffles

Time: 40 minutes
Cost: $5.50 for around 30 truffles
Result: Good?

Originally Pinned from:

2 Pins in a row where I didn't read the original post? Yup. You'd think I'd learn my lesson. Nope. Sorry, I can be a bit dense!

Seeing the title: Triple Chocolate Oreo Truffles, my assumption was that the recipe was based on the Oreo Truffle Recipe I used this past Christmas (Mix crushed Oreos with a block of cream cheese, roll into balls, then dip in chocolate flavored almond bark for a pretty presentation)

A Lightbulb went off in my head thinking...ooh! The original recipe must use the new CHOCOLATE CREAM CHEESE! Which is just scrumptious in case you're wondering...(Seriously, stop wondering and go get some!)

So I mixed around 15 oz (give or take a few cookies...) with a container of the Philadelphia Indulgence Dark Chocolate. Then refrigerated for a while before rolling into balls and dipping in almond bark. Since I burned the first batch of almond bark in the microwave (no more teasing hubby about burning chocolate chips 8 years ago *sigh*), I was grateful to have just enough to finish coating my truffles.

I didn't really care for the flavor of these. I can't explain what I didn't like, it just didn't taste right. They seemed to be very popular at small-group though! Maybe the reason I didn't like them had something to do with me burning the taste-buds off my tongue a few hours earlier? It may just be possible that Curly's clutziness was an inherited trait.

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